FrOG's Newsletter
June 2024
Dear FrOG, here are the dates for the Markets that FrOG will be attending over the summer. If you have some time for any of these dates and are able to help out for a few hours that would be great. Otherwise please invite your friends to come and visit us and see our beautiful new collection of baskets and our wonderful new tablecloths, napkins, Cotten "Happy Pants", jackets, sundresses and aprons made by our Ubuntu Gashora Sewing team. Looking forward to seeing you.
Africa Fest, Centennial Square - June 22/23
11 am-6 pm
Great music, food, dance performances and many vendors.
Da Vinci Center - 159 Bay Street
11 am - 3 pm
June 30 - July 21 - August 11 & 25
Saanich Fair Grounds
August 31 to Sept 2

Also a reminder that 100% of the proceeds of this funny and entertaining book of travel stories also go to the educational, nutritional and health care programs in Gashora. It is available in most Victoria book stores, from Amazon or directly through Friends of Gashora. For under $ 25.00 you can give a gift of laughter.